UK DATA ARCHIVE DOCUMENTATION 5457 - Education and the Working Class, 1944-1960: Some General Themes Raised by a Study of 88 Working-Class Children in a Northern Industrial City, 1946-1960 Data Archive processing standards --------------------------------- This is a legacy study. The data weas processed to the UK Data Archive's 'B' standard. A substantial series of checks was carried out to ensure the quality of the data and documentation. Checks were made that the number of cases and variables matched the depositor's records. Any data or documentation that breached confidentiality rules was altered or suppressed to preserve anonymity. All notable and/or outstanding problems discovered are detailed under the 'Data and documentation problems' heading below. Conversion of data and documentation formats -------------------------------------------- The data was deposited as a paper collection. This was scanned and converted to Adobe PDF format; 255 interviews are available. All electronic and paper documentation supplied with this study is normally incorporated into the UKDA User Guide (in PDF format). The conversion programmes used are the latest versions of Adobe PDF Writer for electronic documentation and Adobe Paper Capture (Acrobat 'plugin' version) for paper documentation. Occasionally, some or all of the electronic documentation cannot be usefully converted to PDF (e.g. MS Excel files with wide worksheets) and this is supplied in other formats. All User Guides are fully bookmarked. Data and documentation problems ------------------------------- The researchers adopted pseudonyms for the town and schools in which their study was located. These pseudonyms were adopted during the fieldwork. However, there are occasional inconsistencies across the interviews and the user guide between the use of real names and pseudonyms, hence in some cases the name of the school mentioned on the data listing and the name of the school discussed in the interviews differs. For consistency, the names of schools used in the data listing are the researchers' pseudonyms even if the interviews use the real name. Users should note that there is no file available for interview 48, which may still be referenced in the documentation. Town Alias Real name Marburton Huddersfield Schools Alias Real name Marburton College Huddersfield College Ash Grange Greenhead Thorpe Manor Royds Hall Abbeyford Almondbury New edition information ----------------------- Notes from data delivery and post-order corrections ---------------------------------------------------