ARCHIVE DOCUMENTATION STUDY NO: 4315 STUDY TITLE: Family Expenditure Survey 1999-2000 PROCESSING DATA --------------- Users should note that the weighting variable WEIGHT can be found in the file called SET1. The following tables contained date variables in the format dd/mm/yyyy. These were altered so that they are now in the format ddmmyyyy, i.e. the date 10/11/1999 has become 10111999. HHOLD1 - startdat dstart vintdate PAY2 - paydat SEJOB - se1 se2 ILO - dtjbl PAYMAIN - paydat If merging files together please note that some variable names are repeated in different files, i.e. different tables contain variables with the same name. Users should also note that although the tables: EXPEND, SET26, SET26a SET130, SETPCP, SETSTE and SETBCO are mentioned in the documentation they were not supplied to the Data Archive for the following reasons: EXPEND due to confidentiality reasons; SET130 is a copyright table with codes set up for two private marketing companies and SETSTE, SETPCP, SETBCO, SET26 and SET26a are internal ONS tables. During processing it was noticed that some value labels in the data were different to those in the documentation. These are detailed below for information: Table: AGREE1 The code 100.04.07 is labelled 'Car tools, other motoring costs' in the documentation but in the data has the label 'Garage rent, other costs (exc'. The label in the data is correct. Table: JOBMAIN The variable 'solo' has the labels in the data as (1) On own with partner(s) but no.. (2) With employees and in the documentation they are (1) On own (2) Has employees The label in the data is correct. Table: SET8 The labels for the variable A096 (Occupation class of head of household) has slightly different labels in the data and the documentation. The correct labels are: (5) Skilled manual and own account workers (6) Semi-skilled manual PROCESSING DOCUMENTATION ------------------------ The user documentation was received in 'Word' format by the Data Archive and converted to .pdf format (portable document files) via Adobe Acrobat 3.0 CONTENT VALIDATION: ------------------- All variable and value labels were checked. Where labels were found to be truncated the additional information was added. In the file PERSON the variables hhldr, birth, ageif and dvage were not supplied as these are restricted variables. SUMMARY OF VALUE-ADDED OUTPUTS: ------------------------------- For a number of variables the value '0', labelled 'Not applicable', was set as a missing value. For some variables '0' was not labelled so where appropriate the value label 'Not applicable' was added. Details of the variables where this occurred are given below: FILE VARIABLES address flattype othactyp sublety hsetype LABEL ADDED FOR: hsetype agree1 hpm mkrchp mkrcl mkrdn1 mkrhp1 agree2 hpdatm mkrc290 mkrc294 mkrdn2 allow perwho allpres indper mntwho benr1 bncard00 to bncard07 warchk benr1amt cardr1 benr2 bncardr1 bncardr2 whorecaa whorecmc whorecsc bens1 bncard00 to bncard05 rcptnow jsachk bens2 bncards bncards1 rcptnow bent1 bncard00 to bncard06 perbenx rcptnow LABEL ADDED FOR: perbenx rcptnow bent2amt rcptnow bk bkpers01 to bkpers11 buspurp chi lhp childinc disposal LABEL ADDED FOR: disposal chm lhp club goodsrec dec lhp inswillc hbservam servnum hexp2 whathome hhold1 ct0 ctband ctcondoc ctdisab ctdisc ctdvalue ctinstal ctlvchk ctrebate hballw hbbefaft hbdeduc hblump ratesinc mkrcct mkrcpy mkrcwt othpay othpay1 othpay2 payrates rebtch ctrebper hbpc mkrcsew mkrcwat mkrcwsew payrfrq percsew percwat percwsew sewerpay sewsep waterpay LABEL ADDED FOR: ctrebper hbpc mkrcsew mkrcwat mkrcwsew payrfrq percsew percwat percwsew sewerpay sewsep waterpay hhold2 annchg bgasbuy chfuel chifilt chmfilt dsschk elecrebt filtsr furnhow furnlhp gaspay gasrebt filter10 filter11 filter12 filter13 filter15 where0 where1 where2 where3 mkrc190 mkrc191a mkrc192 mkrc201a mkrc202 mkrc300 oilbuy othwk rughow ruglhp shinuk telp dsperc dssper eacper ebbsper echgper erbtper gacper gbbsper gchgper grbtper internet telfilt LABEL ADDED FOR: dsperc dssper eacper ebbsper echgper erbtper gacper gbbsper gchgper grbtper internet telfilt holfly euunion holhotl lhp LABEL ADDED FOR: lhp holiday hotel package selfcat holpack holins holstrtm inshow inslhp packlhp LABEL ADDED FOR: inshow inslhp packlhp holscat lhp LABEL ADDED FOR: lhp ilo empstat1 govtprog ina207 ina209 ina217 ina273 looked ownbiz paidwork progtype regwork relbiz ret12m startj atwork3 awayfrom everwk newdopt perc400 perc519 waiting ynotlk LABEL ADDED FOR: atwork3 awayfrom everwk newdopt perc400 perc519 waiting ynotlk imp lhp impute hhedfilt whichh00 to whichh39 itemdea anymore lns job2 director etype sect1 sect2 morejobs dirni LABEL ADDED FOR: dirni job3 director etype sect1 sect2 dirni LABEL ADDED FOR: dirni jobmain empno sect2 manage oempstat solo dirni seno workmth workyr lastmth cashprice lastpay lastamt loandea loandatm loandhss mkrc274 mkrc275 org mort buytype dirreg discount lender menpol mkrc127 mkrcmort mortcont mortname to mortnm10 mortprot morttype taxrelf topup whoinc whopay exrent rentfrom mortperc whoper LABEL ADDED FOR: exrent rentfrom mortperc whoper mortprot incmp prot0001 prot0002 prottype oddjob oddjmp oddjrg ostins strinc othw mkrcwk omore pay2 ninoft odedsub payslip taxflt perc409 LABEL ADDED FOR: perc409 paymain bonextra bonupay dedch dedchocs dedchtfs deducts to deducts8 hhothinc ina254 lvused mallusp freemeal payslip taxref taxrelal payinc0 payinc1 payinc2 payinc3 perc409 perc428 LABEL ADDED FOR: payinc0 payinc1 payinc2 payinc3 perc409 perc428 pendet anymore pensdatm pensinc empdedba empdeduc ptinc person diarstat fted ftedchk ina011 marstat memhld typeed school livewith r01 to r14 LABEL ADDED FOR: school livewith r01 to r14 phone mkrc261a mkrc262 mkrc263 mkrc264 telehow telopay telacper telbgper telchper telshper LABEL ADDED FOR: telacper telbgper telchper telshper refdet reftype rents1 hbserv0 to hbserv11 rebate rentbar renthday serinc00 to serinc12 wsinc hbsewer hbstmt hbsvoth hbwater mkrcrent perchben percrent serinc worsinc LABEL ADDED FOR: hbsewer hbstmt hbsvoth hbwater mkrcrent perchben percrent serinc worsinc rtdet mkrc242 LABEL ADDED FOR: mkrc242 sclmeal paidfor season mkrc245d seasper LABEL ADDED FOR: mkrc245d seasper sejob sebexty0 to sebexty9 sebusexp checktax chkincom noinc0 to noinc3 ownother ownsum percnid percseni perctaxd profdocs profit2 profni proftax seincwm seniinc senilump senireg whynopro workacc LABEL ADDED FOR: checktax chkincom noinc0 to noinc3 ownother ownsum percnid percseni perctaxd profdocs profit2 profni proftax seincwm seniinc senilump senireg whynopro workacc serv svmore mkrcser LABEL ADDED FOR: mkrcser shareinc othjnt taxtime stord perc317 LABEL ADDED FOR: perc317 tenure ina110 landlord furnish LABEL ADDED FOR: furnish tv tvpayper LABEL ADDED FOR: tvpayper variousi bankac bkjnt bktax bldjnt bldtax bothnt bttype buspass filter04 filter05 filter06 filter07 ina275 invflt isaacc mailbab1 nicont nt1jnt nt2jnt payeref tesdepos tesint tessband bncardt0 to bncardt7 nidirect perc483 tessac unearni1 unearni2 LABEL ADDED FOR: nidrect perc483 tessac unearni1 unearni2 vbought carptins cpamt cppartex mkrc230 mkrc232 mkrc234 mkrc235 nocarp vehicle filter2 filter3 vowned mkrc208 mkrc211 mkrclea petrol petpriv lperc LABEL ADDED FOR: lperc vused band carprov fueltype mkrc219 mkrc222 reglet vangoods vantype petpriv clea mkrcclea percclea LABEL ADDED FOR: clea mkrcclea percclea workhrs everot set13 a128 set41 a0061 a275 a2853 set43 a207 set49 a227 set53c a008 NOTES, USEFUL TIPS AND HINTS ---------------------------- The report on the 1999-2000 Family Expenditure Survey is available as a 'pdf' file from National Statistics at the following web page: The Archive received the following information with the 1998-1999 Family Expenditure data. However this is still valid and users need to be aware of this important information. IMPORTANT NOTE 1. Weights are on the 1998-99 database 2. Northern Ireland is over-represented in the 1998-99 database Weights/differential grossing ----------------------------- Weights are now included in the 1998-99 database. Their use is strongly recommended because they compensate, to some extent, for lower response rates among some kinds of household. They also allow grossed up estimates to be produced by an agreed standard method. The weights are in variable WEIGHT on SET1. Information on the weights is in Family Spending 1998-99, Appendix F. (This information can also be found in Appendix F of the Family Spending 1999-2000 publication). NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland has for many years had an enhanced sample to allow for separate analysis. The data supplied to users, however, included only the so-called UK sample, in which Northern Ireland households were represented in approximately the same proportion as in GB. FROM 1998-99 ONWARDS THE DATA SUPPLIED INCLUDES THE FULL NORTHERN IRELAND SAMPLE. If users do not take appropriate steps, Northern Ireland will be over- represented in any analyses, by a factor of 5. Users should adopt one of the following measures: Use the weights supplied on the database for all analyses. This automatically compensates for the over-representation of Northern Ireland. If unweighted analysis is wanted, avoid the enhanced element of the Northern Ireland sample by filtering out case numbers of 9000000 (9 million) and over Or adopt a simple weighting scheme with GB cases given a weight of 1.0 and Northern Ireland cases a weight of 0.2 DATA DELIVERY COMMENTS ---------------------- During a label and documentation check, it was found that there is an error within the documentation. BENT2AMT- benefits under card T2 according to the data file and not card T1 as specified in the documentation raw schema. The labels have been amended accordingly. Updated 31/10/2001 Variable SURVYR (in HHOLD1 file): Following a post-order query - and after consultation with the depositor - the variable SURVYR was set to 1999 for all cases. This is because - and in contrast to the years prior to 1998-99 - SURVYR relates to the FES year and NOT the calendar year in which the interview took place. Thus, ALL cases in the 1999-2000 data have a SURVYR value of 1999. Updated 9/12/2003