ARCHIVE DOCUMENTATION STUDY NO: 4189 STUDY TITLE: Selected Labour Market Data From the BHPS, 1999 Conversion process (for data and documentation): ------------------------------------------------ The STATA file 'project.dta' was checked and converted to SPSS using StatTransfer 5.0 - file project.por. The file 'jobrisk.xls' was converted to three .csv files, jobrisk1.csv, jobrisk2.csv and jobrisk3.csv - one for each of the three worksheets within the Excel file, which denote the three variables socminm, socmajm and socmain (see under Data section above). The methodology paper was scanned as TIF files and converted to a single .pdf file - a4189uab.pdf - (Portable Document Format) using Adobe Acrobat Capture 1.01. The six SPSS syntax files were edited in MS Word and then amalgamated into the above .pdf file via Adobe Acrobat Exchange 3.01. Summary of value-added outputs: ------------------------------- Variable list, frequency, and descriptive files produced for archiving purposes. Documentation pdf'd and bookmarked. User comments and post-order corrections: -----------------------------------------