ARCHIVE DOCUMENTATION STUDY NO: 4071 STUDY TITLE: Family Expenditure Survey 1998-1999 *PROCESSING DATA* ----------------- The data were supplied as dat files and cmd files. The cmd files were renamed to *.sps and then edited to run. Spss exp files were created. Variables which represent monetary values such as pounds and pence, have been set to 2 decimal places to reflect this. However some duplicates may still appear in certain variables, if the user needs to analyse the variables in greater detail the decimal place will need to be increased. Users should note that the WEIGHT variable, in table SET1 has been set to 3 decimal places. The following tables had a format of A10 for the date variables: HHOLD1 - startdat dstart vintdate HHOLD2 - servd PAY2 - paymain SEJOB - se1 se2 VIEWILO - dtjbl The dat files were altered to change the date variables from A10 to F8, as spss will only read the first 8 on a string variable e.g. 10/11/19 The dat files were altered to remove the slashes from the date and insert two spaces at the end to compensate. e.g. 10/11/1998 to 10111998 The following tables are named differently to the documentation: viewbk - bk viewcc - cc viewedf2 - edf2 viewilo - ilo viewjob2 - job2 viewjob3 - job3 viewlife - life viewmort - mort viewexpg - expg viewexpp - expp view114 - set114 view86 - set86 Below the depositor gives an explanation regarding a query raised about the documentation, which states that the variables personcopy and persno are duplicate in table setpcp. 'Prior to the 1998/99 survey, the vairable persno did not distinguish between children and adults. Adults had person numbers from 1-10 and children from 11 upwards. From 1998/99 the variable personcopy in table setpcp will identify a person as adult or child. The calculation of personcopy for a child is persno+100. For example, if a child had a person number of 6, then the value of personcopy=106. Adult values are between 1 and 14'. Below is a record of the changes to variable formats made for every table. ALLOW allrecam dvall 11.2 AGREE1 dvlas 11.2 BENR1 dvchb dvica to dvdw addpen to dvmii 11.2 BENR1AMT ambenx 11.2 BENS1 dvjsacon to dvind 11.2 BENS1AMT amtbenx 11.2 BENS2 dvmata amtbenx 11.2 BENT1 famlamt dvfaml dvfun dvmatg to dvoth amtbenx 11.2 BENT2AMT amtbenx 11.2 BONUS dvbon 11.2 CHGDET othpyam dvoth 11.2 CHI dvam1 dvbxa 11.2 CHILDINC howmuch dvchi1 11.2 CHM dvam1 dvbxa 11.2 DEC dvam1 dvbxa dvihc dviwc 11.2 EDF1 dvtot 11.2 EDF3 dvtot3 11.2 EDG dvann dvann1 dvpai 11.2 ENDOWP dvmen 11.2 HBSERVAM hbseramt dvhbsv 11.2 HEXP2 dvamtf dvbx1 11.2 HEXP3 dvamtr dvbxr 11.2 hhold1 stardat vintdate dstart (F8) hbamt dvnihb hblamt dvnil watamt dvwata sewamt dvsewa wsewamt dvwsew 11.2 HHOLD2 servd (F8) erbtamt dverb eacamt dveac ebbsamt dvebb echgamt dvechg dsselecf dsselecp dvdssef dvdssep dssgasf dssgasp dvdssgf dvdssgp grbtamt dvgrb gacamt dvgac gbbsamt dvgbb gchgamt dvgch oilamt dvoilt bgasamt dvbgast tvlice dvtvle dvfur dvrug 11.2 HOLHOTL dvhol2 11.2 HOLPACK dvhpa dvholi dvhola dvholc dvsep 11.2 HOLSCAT dvhpay 11.2 IMP dvam1 dvbxa 11.2 IMPUTE gwkinc 11.2 otherhed (A100) ITEMDEA pabdv JOBCODES soccls1 seg1 11.1 LOANDEA loanamt loanage 13.2 loanrep dvloa 11.2 MEDINS minsamt dvmins 11.2 MORTPROT dvmorp 11.2 ODDJOB dvodd 11.2 OSTINS striprem dvstri 11.2 OTHW dvstot 11.2 PAY2O dedoamt dvdeds 11.2 PAY2 paydat (F8) payamt dvpays tax dvtaxs nino dvnins grosspay dvgros 11.2 PAYMAIN paydat (F8) payamt dvpay tax dvtax1 taxrefam dvtax nino dvnino dchftsam dvchft dchocsams dvcho pendamt to dvins grosspay dvgros mileall to dvmot lvtotal usnetpay usgropay dvusn dvusgr malinnp dvmanp dvbonu 11.2 PAYMAINO dedoamt dvdedo 11.2 PENDET pensamt dvpen 11.2 PENSINC incamt dvinc taxamt dvtaxa empdedam dvempd 11.2 PHONE telacamt dvtela telbgamt dvtelb telchamt dvtelc telshamt dvtels 11.2 REFDET refamt dvref 11.2 REFUND hhoamt dvhho 11.2 RENTS1 rent dvrent hbenamt dvhben hbwsamt dvhbws hbsoamt dvhbso wsincamt dvrtws servamt dvsv 11.2 RTDET dvrefa 11.2 SCLMEAL mealamt dvmeal 11.2 SEASON seasval dvsea 11.2 SEJOB se1 se2 (F8) dvprof dvprbef dvownamt dvownot dvseinc dvtaxd nidamt dvnid seniramt dvseni dvsetax dvsenii dvsenil 11.2 SERV dvvser 11.2 SET1 p200 11.2 weight 11.3 SET10 p302 p310 to p358 11.2 SET12 b010 to b130, b140 to p551p 11.2 b131 to b134 13.2 SET12C d010304c to p551cp 11.2 SET12T d010201t to p551tp 11.2 SET13 b017 tp p517 11.2 SET13C d020103c to p517c 11.2 SET13T d010604t to p517t 11.2 SET14 b158 to p565 11.2 SET14C b158c to p565c 11.2 SET14T b158t to p565t 11.2 SET15 b159 to p563 11.2 SET15C d080101c to p563c 11.2 SET15T d080101t to p563t 11.2 SET16 b160 to b207 11.2 SET18 b260 to p518 11.2 SET18C b260c to p518c 11.2 SET18T b260t to p518t 11.2 SET19 d040101 to p520 11.2 SET19C d040101c to p520c 11.2 SET19T d040101t to p519t 11.2 SET20 b181 to p528 11.2 SET20C d010606c to p528c 11.2 SET20T d010606t to p528t 11.2 SET21 d060101 to p521 11.2 SET21C d060101c to p521c 11.2 SET21T d060101t to p521t 11.2 SET22 b270 to p522 11.2 SET22C d070101c to p522c 11.2 SET22T d070103t to p522t 11.2 SET23 d090101 to p524 11.2 SET23C d090101c to p524c 11.2 SET23T d09010t to p524t 11.2 SET24 b101 to p560p 11.2 SET24C d031701c to p560cp 11.2 SET24T d031701t to p560tp 11.2 SET27A lrecl=1575 d030101l to d120304l 11.2 SET3 p300 to p399 p431 11.2 SET300C lrecl=1427 d010606c to t96cq 11.2 SET4 b259 b263 11.2 SET43 b303 to p199 11.2 SET44 b304 to p187 11.2 SET45 b309 to p037 11.2 SET46 b333 to p169 11.2 SET47 b325 to p062 11.2 SET48 b510 11.2 SET49 b366 to p173 11.2 SET5 p203 to p364p 11.2 SET50 b382 p010 11.2 SET51 b337 to p175 11.2 SET52 b359 to b392 11.2 SET53 b396, b397 11.2 SET53T b397t 11.2 SET54 b334 to p153 11.2 SET54C p116c to p153c 11.2 SET54T p116t to p153t 11.2 SET7 p388 to p393 11.2 SET8 p301 p309 to p357 11.2 SET87 crvalue 11.2 SET88 b241h b242h hpwkinst 11.2 SET89 pdcodval 11.3 SET89C pdcdvalc 11.3 SET9 b262 11.2 SET900 d010102 to d140601 11.2 SETWEV wkly230 to wklyvptx 11.2 SETWRK inovsch wkgross 11.2 SHAREINC dvoth 11.2 STORD bstoramt dvbst 11.2 TRAV travamt dvtrav 11.2 TV tvpayamt dvtv 11.2 VARIOUSI nicontam dvnic dvbaby dvred dvtrad to dvredins dvren dvroy dvslee dvfcp dvdirt dvdrt dvpri dvchy dvtes dvbld1 dvbk dvnt dvns dvoth1 11.2 VBOUGHT dvcarp dvcpc dvcpa dvcppar 11.2 VIEW114 ditemamt 11.2 VIEW86 b239l to lwkinst 11.2 VIEWBK srvchgam dvsrv 11.2 VIEWCC dvchg 11.2 VIEWEDF2 dvtot2 11.2 VIEWEXPG expamt dvexp 11.2 VIEWEXPP expamt dvexp1 11.2 VIEWILO dtjbl (F8) trainben dvtra dvretn dvreg 11.2 VIEWLIFE linsamt dvlins 11.2 VIEWMORT dvmort dvint dvwho 11.2 VOWNED rtamt dvrt1 dvcia dvvla 11.2 VSOLD dvhow 11.2 VUSED model (A40) dvcrt dvclea dvcin 11.2 WORKHRS totus1 to uothr 11.2 29 tables were supplied at a later date, the end of February by the depositor. Tables set26 and set26a, mentioned in the documentation, are internal tables and as such are not released. *PROCESSING DOCUMENTATION* -------------------------- MACHINE READABLE: EDITINSTR 61,952 98diary - booklet.doc 19,456 98diary - bookletcover.doc 19,456 98diary - contents page.doc 50,688 98diary - cover.doc 126,464 98diary - editing notes.doc 45,056 98diary - interviewer instructions.doc 78,336 98diary - questionnaire.doc 34,304 98hh - interviewers instructs, index.doc 192,000 98hh - coding & editing notes.doc 28,160 98hh - coding & editing, index.doc 31,232 98hh - instructions & coding notes, contents.doc 34,304 98hh - instructions & coding notes, cover.doc 193,536 98hh - interviewers instructions.doc 86,016 98income - editing instructions.doc 135,168 98income - interviewer instructions.doc 33,280 98income - contents.doc 49,664 98income - cover.doc 74,752 prompt98-99.doc - prompt cards 76,800 prompt98.doc - prompt cards QUESTNR 96,768 d-q98.doc 615,424 h-q98.doc 27,136 hconts98.doc 31,232 hcover98.doc 61,440 hindex98.doc 28,672 iconts98.doc 31,232 icover98.doc 54,784 iindex98.doc 289,280 inc-q98.doc 114,176 hholdqstv2.doc 79,872 incqstv2.doc SECTION 1 31,232 appendix d table.doc 32,768 appendix e.doc 27,648 sec1cont for 1998-99.doc 40,448 sec1pt1 for 1998-99.doc 30,720 sec1pt2 for 1998-99.doc 40,960 sec1pt3 for 1998-99.doc 45,056 sec1pt4 for 1998-99.doc 64,000 sec1pt5 for 1998-99.doc 27,648 sec1pt6 for 1998-99.doc 42,496 appendix a.doc 53,760 appendix d.doc 50,176 cover section 1 for 1998-99.doc SECTION 2 26,624 cover section 2 98-99.doc 35,840 index2.doc 26,112 sec2cont.doc 30,208 sec2expl.doc 150,528 sect2pt2.doc 151,040 sect2pt4.doc 455,168 sect2pt1.doc 218,624 sect2pt3.doc SECTION 3 33,792 anonnote.doc 26,112 cover section 3 98-99.doc 18,432 index3.doc 27,648 sec3cont.doc 29,184 sec3expl.doc 202,240 sect3pt2.doc 201,728 sect3pt3.doc 177,152 sect3pt4.doc 85,504 sect3pt5.doc 37,376 sec3-index.doc 422,912 sect3pt1.doc SECTION 4 13,824 changes.989 31,232 chg989.doc 45,056 cover section 4 98-99.doc 120,564 fesdict4.txt 246,272 fesdict4.doc 26,624 sec4cont.989 33,792 sec4expl.989 83,456 sect4pt1.doc 206,848 sect4pt2.doc SECTION 5 33,280 appende.doc 25,088 cover section 5 98-99.doc 20,992 database changes.doc 26,112 inserts.crd 77,634 recordof.doc 28,160 sec5cont.doc 28,160 sec5expl.doc 31,744 sec5pt1.doc 24,576 sec5pt10.doc 23,552 sec5pt11.doc 37,888 sec5pt2.doc 27,136 sec5pt3.doc 35,840 sec5pt4.doc 27,648 sec5pt5.doc 64,000 sec5pt6.doc 28,160 sec5pt7.doc 25,088 sec5pt8.doc 27,648 sec5pt9.doc 62,464 sect 5 part 13 guide to changes, 1998-1999.doc 33,792 sect5pt12.doc 106 ws_ftp.log 80,896 derived changes for 1998.xls SECTION 6 25,088 cover section 6 98-99.doc 26,112 sec6cont.doc 28,160 sec6expl.doc 197,120 sect6pt1.doc 180,224 sect6pt2.doc 23,040 target variable source variables.doc Note to FES users PAPER DOC Family Spending: report on 1998-99 Family Expenditure Survey Household Questionnaire Interviewer and editing Instructions Income Questionnaire Interviewer and editing Instructions Diary Instructions Prompt Cards Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Additional paper doc. sent 6 Jan 1999 - FES Technical Report All 96 machine readable documentation files were amalgamated and converted using Adobe Acrobat Pdf writer 3.0 by The Data Archive to form 12 pdf (portable document format) files plus one index file, to aid navigation of the documentation. The new file names are: a4071uab.pdf, a4071ubb.pdf, a4071ucb.pdf, a4071udb.pdf, a4071ueb.pdf, a4071ufb.pdf, a4071ugb.pdf, a4071uhb.pdf, a4071uib.pdf, a4071ujb.pdf, a4071ukb.pdf, a4071ulb.pdf and in4071.pdf The FES Technical Report was scanned and added to the pdf files. The juvenile diary from last year was also added, as requested. A fair amount of 'cleaning' of the documentation was undertaken by The Data Archive, including re-pagination and general correction. CONTENT VALIDATION: ------------------- Frequencies were run on all variables which had their formats changed and then other variables at random In the file PERSON the variables hhldr, birth, ageif and dvage were not supplied as these are restricted variables. SUMMARY OF VALUE-ADDED OUTPUTS ------------------------------ Date variables changed to read into spss. Formats changed to correct decimal place for numerous variables. A small query for variable MODEL in the table VUSED was resolved. NOTES, USEFUL TIPS AND HINTS ---------------------------- Below is information about weighting from the depositor 1998-1999 Family Expenditure Data IMPORTANT NOTE 1. Weights are on the 1998-99 database 2. Northern Ireland is over-represented in the 1998-99 database Weights/differential grossing ----------------------------- Weights are now included in the 1998-99 database. Their use is strongly recommended because they compensate, to some extent, for lower response rates among some kinds of household. They also allow grossed up estimates to be produced by an agreed standard method. The weights are in variable WEIGHT on SET1. Information on the weights is in Family Spending 1998-99, Appendix F NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland has for many years had an enhanced sample to allow for separate analysis. The data supplied to users, however, included only the so-called UK sample, in which Northern Ireland households were represented in approximately the same proportion as in GB. FROM 1998-99 ONWARDS THE DATA SUPPLIED INCLUDES THE FULL NORTHERN IRELAND SAMPLE. If users do not take appropriate steps, Northern Ireland will be over- represented in any analyses, by a factor of 5. Users should adopt one of the following measures: Use the weights supplied on the database for all analyses. This automatically compensates for the over-representation of Northern Ireland. If unweighted analysis is wanted, avoid the enhanced element of the Northern Ireland sample by filtering out case numbers of 9000000 (9 million) and over Or adopt a simple weighting scheme with GB cases given a weight of 1.0 and Northern Ireland cases a weight of 0.2 USER COMMENTS AND POST-ORDER CORRECTIONS ---------------------------------------- The depositor supplied the following additional information in April 2000 1998 - 99 Family Expenditure Survey - Known Errors Logs 1. Table = Bens2 Variable = bens2_numwks, bens2_numwks 1, bens2_rcptnow, bens2_rcptnow1 The data in the above table has been transposed. Data for the variable bens2_numwks has been placed in field for the variable bens2_numwks1. Date for the variables bens2_rcptnow has been transposed with data for the column bens2_rcptnow1 . This affects 115 households 2 Table = Hhold1 Variable = Nounits, Numfam There are 15 households where for both variables the value entered is Zero. This is outside of the data range for these variables which is between 1 to 14. 3 Table = SET130 Users should note that this table is restricted and the MOSAIC and ACORN variables are not available from the UK Data Archive. The weighting factor can be found in Table = SET1. 4 Table = EXPEND Users should note that the User Guide specifies that this raw data is not available in the user dataset. SET114 is the first derived table for the diary data: there are two rows for each person for each separate expenditure code and each transaction type: one row represents the total expenditure by that person on that code in week 1 and the other represents the expenditure in week 2. VARIABLE SURVYR =============== Variable SURVYR (in HHOLD1 file): Following a post-order query - and after consultation with the depositor - the variable SURVYR was set to 1998 for all cases. This is because - and in contrast to the years prior to 1998-99 - SURVYR relates to the FES year and NOT the calendar year in which the interview took place. Thus, ALL cases in the 1998-99 data have a SURVYR value of 1998.