This file contains details on 1: Source information 2: Employment status in newpan 3: Reason for leaving job Source information: ================== Source information is coded in the following way: First the wave number is multiplied by ten. Then the following values are added: 0 for wINDRESP 1 for wJOBHIST 2 for BLIFEMST or CLIFEJOB. Then, for all except wINDRESP, the spell number within the individual's set of records in the file is divided by 100 and added to the source value. Thus, for instance, the third spell recorded for an individual in DJOBHIST will be indicated by 41.03, or the tenth spell in BLIFEMST by 22.10. (NB: spells are counted backwards in wJOBHIST, forwards in the retrospective files.) Thus: ---------------------------------------------- 10 AINDRESP 11.?? AJOBHIST 20 BINDRESP 21.?? BJOBHIST 22.?? BLIFEMST 30 CINDRESP 31.?? CJOBHIST 32.?? CLIFEJOB 40 DINDRESP 41.?? DJOBHIST 50 EINDRESP 51.?? EJOBHIST 60 FINDRESP 61.?? FJOBHIST 70 GINDRESP 71.?? GJOBHIST 80 HINDRESP 81.?? HJOBHIST ---------------------------------------------- Note: at present, the use of spell number in CLIFEJOB has not been implemented. This will be done in a future release. Employment status in newpan =========================== Part-time/full-time ------------------- Employment status in newpan is derived from wJBSTAT/wJHSTAT, wJBFT and wJBSEMP/wJHSEMP, that is from self-reported status and the subsequent questions differentiating between self-employment and full- and part-time employment. For months described by the Wave 1 job history questions (i.e. covering jobs finishing in the period 1/9/90 to just before the interview) information on full-/part-time status was not collected. Nor was it collected in other inter-wave job-histories if the job was with the same employer as the subsequent job. Some other cases remain unresolved because wJBFT, wJHSEMP or wJHSEMP are missing. Promotions and changes of employer ---------------------------------- In the inter-wave job-histories (wJOBHIST), jobs are differentiated according to whether they are with new employers or new jobs with the same employer. This information is not collected in the current-status question. However, we also know in principle if the previous job was ended by `promotion' (in wJHSTPY), and this information is used to differentiate months whose data source is wINDRESP. Unless the previous reason for leaving was promotion, the job remains indicated as a job with a new employer. This information is stored in the variable DJSE in newpan. Reasons for leaving job: ======================= These variables (in newpan, ljob and xljob) belong to particular job episodes but logically apply to the period starting when they end. That is, "why this job ended" is only known after the job ends. In newpan this is dealt with by having two variables, STPY and LASTWHY, respectively "why this job ended" and "why last job ended". STPY comes from the wJOBHIST record which ends the job, and is passed back into the previous "splits" that are defined to constitute the rest of the episode. LASTWHY is spread forward from the wJOBHIST record, until a new job end occurs. STPY is the variable that is carried through to xlempe and ljempe.