3882 - Liverpool Community, 1649-1750 Dataset Type ============ Data files (17) Dataset Format ============== Tab delimited text (17 files) Data Notes ========== Rate1743 -------- There are two instances where the field NUMBER is not a unique row number. Plantn ------ The field SHREF is the ninth field and not the third field as stated in the documentation. Freemen ------- There are five instances where the field REF is not a unique row number. Rate1708 -------- There are two undocumented codes "img" and "wsmk" which appear in the field RPOCC. Apprent ------- The field ENRDATE is not mentioned in the documentation. This field contains the enrolment date for each apprentice. The field name NAME should read CNAME. The field name COUNTRY should read COUNTY. Using the Data ============== Users should note that textual data values are surrounded by double quotes. This may affect settings for importing the data into spreadsheets, databases or other software. Hamish James, History Data Service, 10/01/2001