SN:3044 Family Expenditure Survey 1963 ====================================== File PERSINC ============ Users should note that in the file persinc, the following variables have every case coded as 0: a223 unemployed benefits receiving at present t302 gross income earned before retirement t304 PAYE income tax refund - main occ t305 PAYE income tax deduct - main occ t306 NI flat rate contribution from pay - main occ t307 NI Grad rate deduction from pay - main occ t308 other deducts from pay - main occ t316 val lunch voucher used in last 7 days t332 usual take home pay t334 Non-emp persons NI contribs t337 family allowance - current rate t340 NI disability pension curr rate t341 war disability pens: curr rate t344 occ pens fr priv sect last net t361 friendly soc benefits - curr rate t367 other state benefits - current rate t370 balance oc pension t375 int from co-op soc t379 to t382 other earned income t385 married woman t386 absent husb t387 income tax, surtax not PAYE t396 other income by child under 15 t397 expenditure by child under 15 t401 licenses - TV and radio t402 licenses - radio t403 licenses - car radio t404 licenses - driving t405 licenses - dog t406 licenses - other t407 t411 motor vehicle tax t412 motor vehicle insurance t413 garage rent t414 to t416 t427 t431 to t436 t446 to t447 t450 to t462 UKDA note, February 2002 Update 2015-12-10 ================= Data Set Format =============== The following data formats have been prepared by Ingest Team SPSS files (9 files) Stata files (9 files) Tab Delimited (9 files)