1978 - Occupation and Family in Somerset and St Helens, 1851 Data Set Type ============= data files (1 files) Data Set Format =============== The following data formats have been prepared by the AHDS History. Tab delimited text files (1 file) Data Notes ========== The user should take great care when interrogating the data as it contains a number of inconsistencies. This is particularly so with regard to the relationship between the number of children and the birthplace of each child, and the number of lodgers and the birthplace of each lodger. [i.e. a family may have only three children, for example, but there may be an entry in the field "BPKID6"]. These inconsistencies are apparent in the deposited data. Coding may also be incomplete. The data was originally deposited on punch cards. In some instances it has been impossible to distinguish between uncoded and missing data-points, thus a number of variables may contain the symbol '---' for missing or null data points. Particular care should be taken with fields "BPLODG2", "BPLODG3", "BPLODG4", "BPLODG5" and "AGE1-AGE6". AHDS History, 28/05/2004 UK Data Archive University of Essex Colchester CO4 3SQ Tel: +44 (0)1206 872326 Fax: +44 (0)1206 872003 Email: info@history.ahds.ac.uk URL: http://history.ahds.ac.uk/